Ditch the quick fixes.

Your natural journey to feeling energized, focused and confident


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I'm a certified functional medicine coach, functional blood chemistry specialist and brain health specialist with 20 years of coaching experience dedicated to helping high achieving women ditch the chronic anxiety, digestive issues, fatigue and unwanted weight gain so they can feel more energized, motivated, and focused naturally. 

Read more about my story

Fundamental Wellness

FBCS, Certified in Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist

Functional Medicine Coaching Academy

FMCAC, Certified Functional Medicine Coach 

Belmont University

Bachelor of Science, Nutrition and health minor

Sick of the band-aid solutions that don’t work?

If you feel like no matter how hard you try, none of your nagging symptoms are getting better, you are in the right place.

Restless sleep evades you - even though you've tried the mattresses, the evening routines, the teas, the apps, the meds. 

Those chronic symptoms are negatively affecting your relationships with loved ones.

You struggle to enjoy nourishing food, to take breaks, or to just sit quietly and breathe.


You know you're ready to level up but some unseen, unconscious fear or limiting belief is stopping you in your tracks.

You deserve to reach your full potential – health, happiness, fulfillment, emotional, and your next level of financial success in this world.

Sick of the band-aid solutions that don’t work?

If you feel like no matter how hard you try, none of your nagging symptoms are getting better, you are not alone.

Maybe restless sleep evades you - even though you've tried the mattresses, the evening routines, the teas, the apps, the meds. 

Maybe that feeling of "something is missing" is negatively affecting your marriage - or relationships with other loved ones.

Maybe you struggle to enjoy nourishing food, to take breaks, or to just sit quietly and breathe.

Maybe you know you're ready for your next level but you know some unseen, unconscious fear or limiting belief is stopping you in your tracks.

And maybe even the things that others take for granted feel hard for you, too. 

So, while on the surface, no doubt … You have everything.
But, oddly, there is something missing.

You deserve to reach your full potential – health, happiness, fulfillment, emotional, and your next level of financial success in this world.

It's time to feel like yourself again! 

With my one-on-one guidance and accountability, I will teach you how to enjoy living a healthy lifestyle without restricting everything you love. 


It's time to feel like yourself again! 
With my one-on-one guidance and support, you’ve found a safe place to heal.

Private Coaching with Sheeva



If you are...


Overwhelmed with all the information on natural alternatives and want a  unique protocol catered to YOU!

You've tried Whole30, Keto, Paleo and it was too restrictive so you didn't stick with it. 

Sick of doing crazy high-intensity workouts and not seeing results. You’d like to learn the forms of movement that feel good for YOU.

Constantly bloated and dealing with digestive issues that take over your life. 

Saying “YES” to everyone else & putting your own desires and goals on the back burner.

Ready to properly support your body through a healing journey.


Working to treat your mental health naturally on your own but nothing is working & you need extra accountability and support.

Sick of the side effects of medication and want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy.

Suffering from low energy, lack of motivation and focus, severe anxiety, memory loss, mood swings and you want relief that doesn’t come from a prescription 💊 bottle!

Trying band-aid fixes & found yourself struggling to get off the rollercoaster.

Having consistent moments of low self-worth because you feel like a stranger in your own body and don't feel confident about making decisions for yourself. 


Are you ready to change your life? 


Apply to Work with Me

Private Coaching with Sheeva



If you are...


Overwhelmed with all the information on natural alternatives and want a unique protocol catered to YOU!

Feeling lost on how to begin improving organization, time management, self-control and planning skills. 

Sick of doing crazy high-intensity workouts and not seeing results. You’d like to learn the forms of movement that feel good for YOU.

Constantly bloated and have digestive issues that take over your life. 

Saying “YES” to everyone else & put your own desires and goals on the back burner.

Ready to properly support your body through a healing journey.

Working to treat your mental health naturally on your own but nothing is working & you need extra accountability and support.

Sick of the side effects of medication and want to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle that you enjoy.

Suffering from low energy, lack of motivation and focus, severe anxiety, memory loss, mood swings and you want relief that doesn’t come from a prescription 💊 bottle!

Trying band-aid fixes & found yourself struggling to get off the rollercoaster.

Having consistent moments of low self-worth because you feel like a stranger in your own body and don't feel confident about making decisions for yourself. 


Are you ready to change your life? 


Apply To Work With Me

Where you are today.

You know you're ready to try something new. What you are currently doing is not working. But you don't know where to start.

After our first call.

You have a clear direction. You know where this path will take you and how to get there. It's time to take the first step.

One month from now.

You feel like yourself again. Your dedication & hard work is paying off. I'm right by your side, cheering you on & holding you accountable.

Your future life.

You feel confident and energized in this new way of living. Illness is a thing of the past and your body & mind are thriving...naturally!




Learn how to go from tired, anxious, unfocused, and lacking motivation to:

  • Having a better understanding of your current health indicators like hormone levels, mitochondrial function, gut health, and recovery rates.
  • Confident in supporting your body through a healing journey.
  • Feelings of self worth.
  • Stronger focus and motivation to help you navigate life decisions with more certainty.
  • Increased energy levels so you can live life to the fullest.
  • Knowledgeable on clean nutrition and how to read labels so you can make choices that FEEL and TASTE amazing to you. 
  • Knowing how to set goals & action steps that are realistic so that you’re not going 0 to 60 and then burning out half-way to your destination.
  • Knowing how to eat foods, figure out what really works for your unique body and to feel happy and healthy in your own skin!

Don't take my word for it...


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Apply to Work with Me

How we'll change your life...



In Tier 1, we do a Full Spectrum Investigation with a Symptom Burden Analysis and an Awareness Journal to accurately identify the root cause of your symptoms and consider places that have been overlooked.



This tier is about creating a solid infrastructure that allows for healing to occur. From the results of your  analysis, we create a personalized protocol with key action items that include nutrition, supplements, detoxification and CNS training. (to name a few)



We implement these goals little by little to ensure it fits into your lifestyle, with flexibility to help you find balance so it is easy and effective without deprivation, rigidity and confusion.


Everyone’s journey is different. Find the right starting point for you.


  • Blood work analysis (cost of blood work not included) 
  • Order Blood work 
  • Personal biomarker & trigger assessment
  • A customized protocol to restore healthy mind-body function


  • Personal biomarker & trigger assessment
  • 4 tier healing protocol 
  • Weekly healthy habit integration calls
  • Guides & resources to support you
  • Email support & personalized accountability

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I'd be happy to answer them. Please leave your info below along with your questions and I'll email you back.

    What challenges are you currently struggling with?
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